So I got a job. A real job and I'm beyond excited about it. Today was my first day and it went so much better than my last one.
I don't know why, but this post has consistently sat as the second most popular post ever.
I was going to give up my baby for adoption but changed my mind. Now I have a daughter and am slowly discovering the joy (and headache) of being a new mom.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Best Long Weekend
Friday,I was carrying Rosie down the street to her grandparents when a random lady standing on her driveway offered me her sling... for free. I was so taken back but such a kind gesture. So here is Rosie sitting in her sling for the first time. I haven't been able to get her into it since.

Saturday was super hot! We got all dressed up for a big family party but there was no air conditioning. Rosie was super bored as you can see.

My cousin snuck in at 7:30 am Sunday morning to take this lovely photo of us. It was a long night of fussy Rosie, so needless to say, we were all knocked out by dawn.
Rosie woke up two seconds after she "sensed" her photo being taken. Lil bugger.

This was a card my little cousins made. "Hope you find a boyfriend". They're like 5 and 9.

The girls also chalked up my walkway. Isn't it beautiful??
My cousin snuck in at 7:30 am Sunday morning to take this lovely photo of us. It was a long night of fussy Rosie, so needless to say, we were all knocked out by dawn.
Rosie woke up two seconds after she "sensed" her photo being taken. Lil bugger.
This was a card my little cousins made. "Hope you find a boyfriend". They're like 5 and 9.
The girls also chalked up my walkway. Isn't it beautiful??
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 74: Oral fixation phase
Despite my best attempts to stay away from using a pacifier, I finally gave in last week.
Doctors recommend that the pacifier not be introduced until after 6 weeks to avoid nipple confusion.
To get back at me, Rosie has decided to become confused. She has no idea what to do now during feeding sessions.
Also, she keeps trying to shove her entire fist into her mouth. All you hear me screaming is, "HEY! Get that hand out of your mouth!!!"
Ugh. It's only going to get worse.
My sister use to eat sand. I fear the worst.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Day 73: Vomit in the face
I was awoken yesterday by a tidal wave of vomit hitting me in the face and flowing into my mouth. That's it... nothing more to say.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I finished my prezi presentation

So, I finally finished my prezi presentation. I couldn't end up doing what I had originally designed.
But, the end product is still pretty good.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Day 70: A day in the life of Rosie
Rosie had her 2 month doctor's appointment today. The first question my doctor asked was: "Describe a typical day for Rosie".
My answer: "Uhhhh. Normal for a baby?"
I don't even know why I made it into a question when that was my answer.
"Soooo, eat, sleep and poop?" my doctor said.
"Yes," I replied.
That got me thinking. I have a tendency to always assume that people know what my life is like. How my days appear and the reasons behind my thoughts.
Of course, I realize this is stupid... but it happens so naturally.
So, I have decided to write down what a day in Rosie's life is like so that I will remember it forever and so that Rosie has something to read when she's older.
I don't even really know where to start. Rosie's "days" are more like never-ending circles of time. Because she doesn't actually sleep through the night, her day doesn't really "start" anywhere.
But, I guess to make things simple, I'll say Rosie's day starts at 6am. Depending on her mood, she'll either wake up, eat and fall asleep or eat and stay awake. The hour after Rosie wakes up for her day is usually the most active. She is definitely a morning person. She squeals, converses with the pillow and hyperventilates (which is her way of laughing).
My mom usually comes in to take Rosie around 8am if Rosie is awake. Bath time occurs soon after leaving Rosie smelling wonderfully of lilacs.
Followed by a brief crying session because Rosie hates being taken out of the water.... and getting dressed.
I roll out of bed between 11-12 and start my day by washing all of the clothes Rosie pees, poops or vomits on from that night.
Rosie's daytime varies depending on whether I have plans or not. Sometimes we have visitors or outings. On nice days, I usually manage to take her for a walk. I get about 20 minutes of strolling before Rosie starts crying and then 10 minutes of sprinting home.
Having everyone at the dinner table is impossible. Someone always has to be holding Rosie or else screaming occurs. Evening time is Grandpa time. He usually plays with Rosie. However, once 7 pm hits, Rosie starts getting cranky.
10pm is when we start getting ready for bed. Rosie has a quick snack at 11pm before finally getting placed in her crib around midnight. After that, she sleeps in 3-4 hour intervals interspersed with surprise spit-up sessions.
Funny story: Trying to wake Rosie this morning at 3am was like waking the dead. She was passed out on her back (a sleeping position she usually hates) and kept swatting my hand away every time I tried wake her. She is strangely coordinated for a 2 month old.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day 65: The Poop Trip
Rosie is a strange one. Instead of using the guilt trip to make me stay with her longer.... she likes to use the "poop trip". For the past 3 days, every time I'm about to leave the house, Rosie takes a massive dump. Her poops defy gravity. They go upwards... I don't know how she puts so much force into them.
It takes forever to clean up.
It takes forever to clean up.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Remebering the first week of Rosie's life

Rosie is now 2 months old.... and, even though time seemed to move like syrup, I still can't believe it's already been 2 months.
I felt like I lived and breathed every second of Rosie's first week. It was brutal. There I was, trying to take care of this baby who I didn't know. I didn't know what she liked, what her tendencies were. The first week was a constant struggle to befriend her.
I started off doing the night shift by myself right off the bat. I remember the first night went quite well, but I think that's because I didn't sleep at all and therefore, wasn't abruptly awakened. The second night, all hell broke loose.
By the time morning finally came, I had no blankets left (she had thrown up and pooped on all of them), no face cloths, and no bed (Rosie had crapped on my mattress). I remembering feeling such deep panic that night. I went and bought 6 receiving blankets that same day.
Not only was I adjusting to a newborn, but my body felt like it had been hit my at least 5 dump trucks. My feet and hands were swollen twice there size. My breasts were rock hard and sore from nursing. The pain from my episiotomy was like no other. Sitting comfortably was impossible and caused searing pain... but standing hurt my feet too much.
Despite all my pregnancy research, nothing prepared me for the amount of pain I was in (and my pain tolerance is quite high). I think women block those days from their minds and don't tell other people, because if other women knew the truth, they would never have babies.
Honestly, that week alone convinced me that I will ever have children again. Only if I have a surrogate mother and a live-in nanny.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Day 61: Prezi crazy
I recently got offered the Vice President position for the SIFE group at my school. I'm extremely excited for the opportunity.
First task so far, design an ah-mazing prezi presentation for the SIFE national competition. My group wants me to design a prezi presentation. I have to admit, I'm already slightly bored with prezi (they need more fonts!) but I look at the task as a challenge to do something really different.
I tackled the storyboard last night. I really wanted to create some sort of story to go along with our presentation. Stories are always more memorable than stating facts after fact.
Here's what I came up with so far:
No one will be able to compare to us.
Day 61: So hot
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